The State College Knights of Columbus is a fraternal organization. Our charitable and service activities provide many benefits to those who volunteer. It provides our members and their families a chance for spiritual and personal growth and social interactions.
Annual Easter Egg Hunt the day before Easter Sunday.
Annual Picnic recognizing those who have volunteered
Monthly meetings to discuss Council business where all Knights can participate and vote.
Monthly Social Nights
Support for the protection and dignity of human life is a high priority of the State College Knights of Columbus. Our Council donates to State and Supreme Council initiatives for Life and the sanctity of marriage. Locally, we run a yearly Baby Bottle campaign to benefit the Gabriel Project, a parish-based program that provides financial, medical and spiritual support to women with difficult pregnancies. The campaign has raised over $41,000 over the last four years.
Our support to OLVCS and CCD programs are described above. However, the State College Knights of Columbus have other activities serving the youth of our Council and beyond.
Local and state-wide basketball free throw competition