Father O'Hanlon Council #4678
Father O'Hanlon Council #4678
State College Knights of Columbus

Council Meetings

   Planning Meeting - 2nd Wed of the month - 7:00pm 

   Business Meeting - 4th Wed of the month - 7:00pm (preceded by the Rosary at 6:45pm)

All Meetings are held in the Fr. O'Hanlon Room in the bottom level of the OLV Activities Center.

A dinner for Fr. Antony's school in India was held on Wednesday October 4th.  With tickets sold and donations provided over $6,000 was raised for St. Mary's.  These funds will provide assistance in rebuilding part of the school, including work needed for restrooms.   Many thanks to the 15 Knights who participated in some fashion and especially to Brother Steve Milillo for leading the kitchen , Brother Mark Golanoski leading the ticket sales , Brother Bob Hershey leading the marketing, and Brother Dennis Marince leading the coordination.

The Pregnancy Resource Center received many fantastic gifts as a result of the Knights District Deputy Meeting that took place at the Penn Stater in December.  The donations were delivered to the PRC and received by Jenny Summers the Executive Director and Dana a Parent Education Associate.  the PRC also received a check for $100 from the Aid and Support After Pregnancy (ASAP) program for a donation earlier in the year.

A dinner for Fr. Antony's school in India was held on Wednesday October 4th.  With tickets sold and donations provided over $6,000 was raised for St. Mary's.  These funds will provide assistance in rebuilding part of the school, including work needed for restrooms.   Many thanks to the 15 Knights who participated in some fashion and especially to Brother Steve Milillo for leading the kitchen , Brother Mark Golanoski leading the ticket sales , Brother Bob Hershey leading the marketing, and Brother Dennis Marince leading the coordination.

Silver Rose Pilgrimage to State College.  The weekend of  26/27 August the Silver Rose was present in the OLV sanctuary.  Brother Lionel Basset (pictured) is the shepherd of the Silver Rose as it comes to and departs from State College - thank him for his efforts when you see him.  The Silver Rose is a beautiful story and this link provides you the insight you need to learn all about it SILVER ROSE.

Knights Picnic on Friday 18 Aug. '23 was a success.  Thank you to all who attended and especially those who assisted Mark Thorwart in making both the event and the awards ceremony memorable.  We are truly blessed to have the group of men we do.  But we would love to have more.  Added - Photos of delayed awards presented at Aug. Business Meeting - PGK Marty Mazur receiving his award jacket and PGK Ed Hughes receiving his award for his contributions to the Council as he soon departs Pennsylvania. 

Feast Day of Blessed Michael McGivney was celebrated Saturday Aug 12th at OLV.  The 9am Mass was celebrated in honor of Blessed Michael McGivney by Brother Knight Fr. George our Pastor. Immediately following Mass there was a Holy Hour during which the Prayer for the Canonization of Blessed Michael McGivney, A Rosary, and the Litany of Blessed Michael McGivney were said.  

Voice of Divine Mercy Radio VODMR), in the person of Steve Balkey, receives a check from the Council in the amount of $6,000.0   VODMR provides Roman Catholic programming to the local State College area and Steve's wife, Cheryl, has been involved in VODMR since it's inception.

Blood Mobile/Drive Team

Every six (6) weeks we have extraordinary BROTHERS who step up to ensure the Blood Mobile/Drive is successful each and every time.  This month they had to "do a dance" and shift from the  Activites Center to the OLV School Gym.  The team is led by Mike Berrena and Bill Schiavi but consistent Vols are John Karish, Mark Thorwart, Frank English and Mark Golanoski.  This isn't everyone who Volunteers - but most of them were captured in pictures today! Standing - Mike in red, Bill in gray, Frank in maroon, and Mark G. in blue (not pictured John Karish and Mark T.).   These Brothers are fantastic! Thank you!

Stated today by Mike "The camaraderie we make as Men of Faith, carries more than we know when the donors give the Gift of Life."  Well said Mike! 

FOCUS Guest Speaker

Mark Weakland, a current member of our Council, informs the Council of the work of FOCUS.  FOCUS stands for Fellowship of Catholic University Students.  FOCUS places individuals at college campuses to evangelize to university students because over 80% of Catholics are reported to lose their faith while in college.  FOCUS helps to provide an opportunity and environment for catholic college students to not lose but continue to realize and grow in their faith.  FOCUS employees, such as Mark,  must raise their own salary.  Please contact Mark to learn more at mark.weakland@focus.org .

Council Scholarship Winner for 2023

Scholarship Chair Jason Foytack presents a $500 check to Eddie Olivas for winning the Council Scholarship.  Eddie will be entering his freshman year of college in the fall.  Marty Mazur the Council Grand Knight is to the right.  Congratulations Eddie!

Ultrasound Fund Spaghetti Dinner March 1st '23

To all who attended the Spaghetti Dinner and/or donated to the Ultrasound machine - THANK YOU. Due to your benevolence and overwhelming response, the dinner was a success. We also thank you for your patience during this new adventure. Thank you to Gemelli's Bakery (128 McAllister St.) and DelGrosso's for their support.  When purchased this fall, the Knights will place this ultrasound machine with the Pregnancy Resource Center in Loch Haven where it is most needed. 

As a man of the Church, are you being called to be a Knight? JOIN US!